A free, instant & bespoke ChatGPT app for macOS.

Use a keyboard shortcut from anywhere on your Mac to instantly access ChatGPT.

With JamGPT, you don't need to open a browser, login, and wait for ChatGPT to load. Simply press a keyboard shortcut from anywhere on your Mac to start chatting, you can even define your own shortcut for added convenience.


Save common prompts for faster and more efficient use.

If you commonly use tasks like translations or text correction, create pre-defined prompts for added efficiency.


About us

Hey there! We are Alexis and Tobias. We met back in 2013 when we were both part of the summer batch at YCombinator and have been close friends ever since. We have spent a lot of time over the years building and working at companies at the intersection of tech and usability. Now, we have come jouned forces to make AI technology more accessible and practical for our needs.

  • Alexis Rondeau

    Design & macOS Development

    Alexis is a software engineer, product manager, and customer researcher with experience working with a variety of startups and large enterprise customers, including Volkswagen. He is currently working on building the Mac app for JamGPT and actively exploring career growth (EU and Remote).

  • Tobias Eichenwald

    Design & Web Development

    Tobias is a designer and entrepreneur who has spent the past decade building one of the leading smart home brands, Senic. Senic focuses on making technology simple to use for the whole family. Tobias is responsible for UI design and web development for JamGPT.


JamGPT is and will remain free to use.

It's free. Period

To use the AI technology from OpenAI/ChatGPT, you will need a key. For the first 100 questions, you can use our key. After that, we'll guide you on how to obtain your own key. We'll teach you how. It's like using ChatGPT+ but waaaaaay cheaper. You don't pay us anything and JamGPT will remain free to use. More on this in the FAQs.

What's included

  • Adjustable Keyboard Shortcut
  • Instant Access to ChatGPT
  • Light & Dark Mode
  • Frequent Feature Updates


Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, send us a message.

    • How much does it cost?

      JamGPT is completely free to use and will continue to be so. You can simply get started. However, at some point, you will need to add your own key from OpenAI, which is also free to set up.

    • What are the requirements to use the app?

      You will need a Mac running macOS Ventura (aka macOS 13) to use the app.

    • Does this work with ChatGPT and can I use ChatGPT?

      Absolutely! We're using the official ChatGPT API and you can use JamGPT in the same way as ChatGPT, but with fewer steps.

    • I'm missing a feature. How can I give you feedback?

      In the about section, you can find our linkedin profile. Just message us there.

    • Do I need to sign up to use the app?

      No, you don't. Just download the app and start asking questions.

    • I read something about a key. What is it?

      To communicate with the AI, you will need a key from ChatGPT / OpenAI. For the first 100 questions, you can use our key. After that, you will need to set up your own key with OpenAI. We'll guide you through the process. You don't pay us anything and JamGPT will continue to be free to use

    • How reliable are the answers from ChatGPT?

      ChatGPT is improving day by day and is surprisingly accurate. However, if you require very critical information, we recommend cross-checking the answers with other sources.

    • Can I talk to JamGPT in other languages?

      Yes, you can! ChatGPT works surprisingly well in other languages, and we have tested it extensively in German. Why not give it a try?

    • I have a question. How can I contact you?

      Please note that we are just friends developing this project for fun and don't offer official customer support. However, you can click go to the teams section and message us on Linkedin, and we'll get back to you.

Download JamGPT for free

Time to become super human and stay in the flow!